Internal Transfer Implementation Committee

Project Background

An Internal Transfer Policy Working Group established November 2019- March 2020 was charged to create recommendations for modifying the internal transfer process at UT. As part of the recommendations from that working group, it was agreed upon that there should be one centralized internal transfer application, a holistic review score created by Admissions, and final decisions made by CSUs. The Office of Admissions gathered data in Fall 2020 to help understand the current state of application structure, applicants and timelines. In Spring 2021, the Office of Admissions will convene an Internal Transfer Implementation Committee to move forward with implementing the recommendations.

Project Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this project is to implement the recommendations of the Internal Transfer Policy Working Group to build a centralized undergraduate internal transfer application and timeline that is used by all CSUs. The project will also include establishing a holistic review score for each applicant that is shared with CSUs.  The project does not include the decision-making parameters for each CSU, those decisions will continue to take place in the individual colleges and schools with their own internal decision-making processes.

Project Objectives

The goal is to use preexisting data to build a centralized internal transfer application process and convene an Internal Transfer Implementation Committee to review, edit and approve the new centralized application, timeline, and process for implementation in Fall 2021 for entering Spring 2022 internal transfer applicants.

Project Deliverables

  • Create a centralized internal transfer application based on current application data.
  • Share data and new centralized application with Implementation Committee for feedback.
  • Create centralized agreement on how specific academic criteria will be viewed.
  • Build new centralized internal transfer application in Slate.
  • Create rubric for file review and share with Implementation Committee for feedback.
  • Build a timeline for opening, deadline, review & decisions for new centralized internal transfer application process.
  • Build a communication plan for new centralized internal application process.

Implementation Committee

Project/Committee Chair: Miguel Wasielewski, Executive Director, Office of Admissions

Committee Members:

Rita Miller, Director of Operations, Office of Admissions

Cierra Campbell Bridges, Assistant Director, Office of Admissions

Matt Barsalou, Slate Administrator, Academic Information Systems